
PlayOnce lets you replay hours of videosurveillance in a few minutes, with a set of advanced analysis tools such virtual counting fences or 3D representation of your camera's detected activity.

PlayOnce is provided as an autonomous .NET user interface while the recorder engine is integrated into iSpy as a plugin.

From the recorded data, generate new representations of your monitored area:


heatmap with its colorbar legend


raw heatmap


3D heatmap


people occurrences considering time

There are 2 ways to use PlayOnce:

Launch it as a playback interface, scroll in the records list and apply specific filters (color, virtual fences, etc) for a smart search. You can click on an object to display its properties (size, duration, ..).

Launch PlayOnce as a command line tool, with given arguments, from the Windows task sheduler for instance.

You can get a time-lapse video a day, with 1 or more events (at different times) per frame! You can also ouput some heatmap and statistic data for a given time slot.

Try it out!

The demo version of the plug-in runs for 1 hour only.

Download PlayOnce recorder x64 v100 (09.2017)

user guide

Download PlayOnce user interface

user guide

The licensed one allows you to run PlayOnce with an unlimited amount of cameras. (179USD)